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network plays a key role in driving international connections within the LGBTI community.

International engagement

International Partnerships

One of network’s key roles is to promote collaborations with other LGBTI professionals’ organisations and advocacy groups in the international arena, with the main focus our European neighbours. It is our conviction that there is much we can learn from each other to keep improving our strategies and methods, and even far more we can achieve by pursuing common goals and uniting our voices.
network is a member of the European Pride Business Network, a politically independent European umbrella organisation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex professionals and managers. EPBN’s main goals are:

  1. Counteracting disadvantage and discrimination against LGBTI persons in the professional sphere.
  2. Promoting the participation of LGBTI members in economic and social life.
  3. Promoting cross-border and inter-professional career exchanges for our members.

EPBN monitors quality-of-life indicators in European states for LGBTI professionals and individuals in general, and exerts political influence to promote swift advancement in the inclusion of LGBTI individuals in the workplace. It urges the promotion of Europe-wide initiatives that engage employers, employees, and businesses in fostering inclusive cultures and policies, such as supplier diversity, recognition of role models, and leadership training.

In an effort to promote learning and development on LGBTI inclusion in the professional sphere, EPBN also organises regular webinars that all network members are invited to attend.

As of May 2024, 19 associations are part of EPBN, including network’s peer organisations in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, and Spain, as well as Workplace Pride. Several collaboration projects are currently under development.

Additionally, network will explore ways to collaborate with the European LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce (EGLCC), the advocacy group for LGBTI-owned businesses. Building on the outreach of its local and regional chambers, EGLCC activates opportunities for growth by connecting LGBTI businesses with corporations that value stronger inclusiveness and diversity in their supply chain.


network has sent delegations to all of Switzerland’s Pride festivals since 1997, and is also often present at international Prides and festivals, lending support and visibility to local LGBTI communities and organisers. Some examples from the past are:

  • EuroPride Vienna (2001 and 2019)
  • EuroPride Warsaw (2010)
  • EuroPride Rome (2011)
  • St. Petersburg film festival (2015)
  • World Pride and 50 years of Stonewall New York (2019)
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